Above this blog you will find a picture of Irises in
my front yard. I display the picture
not as a subtle pat on the back about my gardening skills or simply because
Spring is here. I share this picture
because there is a story behind the Irises.
I planted these Irises last Spring, our first Spring in our home. Our yard was bare of any perennials. Since the Iris is one of my favorite
perennials, I wanted to have some Irises
in our yard.
One day, I visited with Carol, a member of our church
congregation. Since Carol was
experiencing declining health and had become homebound, I visited her regularly last Spring. As I was going into her home, I noticed that she had a yard full of
Irises. When I asked Carol about her
Irises, she generously offered to share
them with me for our yard. One day
last Spring, I made a trip to her home
not to sit in her den but to dig in her yard.
With shovel and bucket in hand, I
journeyed to her back yard to dig up some of her Irises. Carol stood on her back porch and watched my
work with a look of approval. A day or
so later, I planted the Irises in our
front yard. I am watching and
waiting excitedly for the Irises Carol shared with me to be in full bloom.
A few weeks after I planted those Irises last Spring,
Carol’s health took a turn for the worse.
She died last May at our local hospital. I had the priviledge to be a part of her
funeral in late May. In this season when we celebrate the
resurrection and Easter, I find myself thinking of Carol and that verse in John
12:24 that says:
24 Very
truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if
it dies, it produces many seeds.
be to God for the wonder of His handiwork
and for the new life that is found in Christ for Carol and all who are in
Christ Jesus. Christ is risen, He is risen indeed.
Have a joy-filled week.- Pastor Randy Wall
Prayer: O God, we give you thanks for the wonder of
your handiwork as Spring unfolds around us.
Give us eyes of faith to see the new life that is found for all who
trust in you through your resurrection promises; through Christ our Lord. Amen.