Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Right There on the Frozen Food Aisle


It happened on the frozen food aisle as I was trying to scurry through the  grocery store and pick up a few things before I hurried on to the rest of the day.  It started with a chance encounter with a lady I did  not know.   She stopped me and asked for my attention, and then she told me her story.   She told about children at home and a husband that was not there anymore… a divorce that  was near and needs that were great.   “I have enough to get these groceries in my shopping cart, and really need a few more things.   Can you help me get food for my family?”, she asked.  I paused and thought and prayed.   “God, I was not expecting this today and not on the frozen food aisle”, I thought and prayed. 

There are some places where you expect that service to Christ will be asked  of you--  as the offering plate passes by… as the pastor speaks with you about a need at the church….as the call goes out for someone to work  with the children or youth.  But in the grocery store?   That is not where you expect to encounter a mission moment.   Where-ever we are is not only the loving and living God, but the possibility and probability of serving God.   Do you see it?  Will you open your heart to it?  Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall



            Loving God, around us are chances for us to be your hands, your feet, and your voice.  Give us eyes and hearts to see those chances  and to respond as your vessels;  through Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Into Your Hands...



            Last month, at many places across our country we remembered  the terrorist attacks 20 years ago on September 11, 2001.  People gathered  at “Ground Zero” in New York City, at the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and in the Pennsylvania countryside to remember those who died there.  This anniversary brings back my memories of working in the Fall, 2001 at a “listening station” just blocks from the “twin towers” in New York City and at the “Ground Zero” morgue.  I spent my day hours of that week  in New York City listening to and praying with persons who spoke about the how the events of that day effected their lives.   I spent my evenings at “Ground Zero” at the morgue where I listened to the construction workers, NYPD officers, and FDNY officers tell their stories and I prayed over the bodies or body parts that were found.   I remember one evening when they brought in from the rubble a human hand that was found.  After it was examined by the medical examiner and a NYPD detective, I offered a prayer.  As I prayed, tears filled my eyes and emotion filled my voice as I thought about hand that perhaps had exchanged wedding vows at a church altar or held their child close.  I thought about the person that had used their hand to write a love letter or to  embrace a friend in a time of sorrow. 

            Psalms was the prayer book for the Israelite people.  Whatever may be your human experience, you will find it echoed in the Book of Psalms.   There are over 120 places in the Psalms where you will find the word “hand”.    Psalm 31:5 declares, “Into your hands I commit my spirit:  redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth.”    As Jesus was dying on the cross, he remembered these words that were part of a prayer taught to Israelite children.   May the mighty hands of God hold close all who feel grief and sorrow about the events of this day.  May each of us seek to so place ourselves in God’s hands that a day like September 11, 2001 might never happen again in this country and in this world.  Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall



            Loving God, reach your everlasting arms around those who know loss and sadness.   We pray especially for those who lost their lives not just on September 11, but in these days.  Help us to join our hands and hearts to work for peace and justice in this world;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.