happened on the frozen food aisle as I was trying to scurry through the grocery store and pick up a few things before
I hurried on to the rest of the day. It
started with a chance encounter with a lady I did not know.
She stopped me and asked for my attention, and then she told me her
story. She told about children at home
and a husband that was not there anymore… a divorce that was near and needs that were great. “I have enough to get these groceries in my
shopping cart, and really need a few more things. Can you help me get food for my family?”,
she asked. I paused and thought and
prayed. “God, I was not expecting this
today and not on the frozen food aisle”, I thought and prayed.
are some places where you expect that service to Christ will be asked of you--
as the offering plate passes by… as the pastor speaks with you about a
need at the church….as the call goes out for someone to work with the children or youth. But in the grocery store? That is not where you expect to encounter a
mission moment. Where-ever we are is
not only the loving and living God, but the possibility and probability of
serving God. Do you see it? Will you open your heart to it? Have a joy-filled week.- Pastor Randy Wall
God, around us are chances for us to be your hands, your feet, and your
voice. Give us eyes and hearts to see
those chances and to respond as your
vessels; through Christ our Lord. Amen.