Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Name on the Offering Envelope


I remember a time many years ago when our church financial secretary was trying to make out the name on an offering envelope as she recorded the weekly contributions.  A young child in our congregation had done their best to print their first name on the envelope.

            It makes no difference how much that child put in that envelope.  Those monies in that offering envelope say something about that child and what they believe.   That child had learned through his parents and others that those who love Jesus and follow Jesus give their gifts to the Lord through His Church and that his gifts (though small) were important.   That child could have taken that money and used it to buy ice cream or bubble gum.  However, he chose to use that money to give to the Lord because that was important to Him.   That child might not be able to stand before the congregation and preach a sermon or even read the scripture lesson, but he could participate in the life and worship of the church by giving his offerings.

            In Psalm 116:12, we read the Psalmist ask, “What can I offer the Lord for all he has done for me?”   What a good question most anytime.     A young child knew what he could do.  He could give his gifts to the Lord as he was able.  Let us go and do likewise. – Pastor Randy Wall




Thank you, Lord, for all that you have done for me.  Help me, Lord, to show you my gratitude and thanksgiving for all your blessings by offering the gift of myself and my monies to you;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Remembering the Saints


            In Hebrews 11, we find a long litany of names of  people from the Old Testament.   Some of the names are well known like Abraham and some of the names are lesser known like Rahab.    In the aftermath of Pastor Appreciation  Month in October and All Saints Day on November 1,  I have been thinking of some of the pastors who have been special in my own life and journey.  In the letters of Paul, we find several  occasions where he refers to the people in the churches as “saints”.     Today, some see a saint as a person who lived a life that was perfect without sin and/or lived a life where they performed miracles.     Paul, however, has a different way of looking at saints for he sees them not so much as perfect people without blemish as people who live in the holiness of God.   

            I want to share with you a list of “saintly” pastors who have been special in my own life.   Some of them you may know or have heard of, and others may be unknown to you.  Some ar living and some have gone on to glory.    Like myself, each of them were sinners in need of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.   Like Hebrews 11, they are heroes to me and in my hall of fame.    I list them not  in rank of importance and as they come to mind:

Wayne Fouts, my pastor when I was a boy, who taught me one day at Vacation Bible School when he broke up a fight that sometimes  pastor have the difficult job of being peace-makers.

Wayne Wegwart, my pastor when I was a youth, who baptized me and told me that Jesus loved me and died for me. 

Lawrence Bridges, my pastor when I was in college, that showed me by his example that pastors always need to be learning and growing.

Lorenzo Plyler, United Methodist pastor and college professor, who taught me as a college student how to think for myself.

H. Langill Watson, pastor and District Superintendent, who taught me through his example of the priestly function of pastors.

Paul Leeland, pastor and United Methodist Bishop, who taught me through his example of the importance of being a pastor to the people in the pew.

Richard C. Vaughan, pastor and my friend, who has taught me through the years in his example of  a passion to be a pastor. 

These are the name of 7 pastors whose saintly life has  and continues to inspire  me.   I give thanks to God for them, and encourage you to make your own list.   Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall


            O God,  I give thanks this day for the pastors and laity who are a part of the communion of saints and whose life has inspired me.   Help me to do the same for others; through Christ our Lord.   Amen.   give me eyes to see the strangers among us.  Give me the courage to go beyond my comfort zone and offer hospitality to them;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.