I took my car in for service a few days ago. Some of my peers are quite proficient at working on their cars. I am not. I can change the oil and do my best to make sure it is done regularly. I try to check the fluid levels under the hood regularly and make sure the tires are regularly rotated and inflated to the appropriate tire pressure. That is about it when it comes to my auto mechanical ability. When it comes to getting my car serviced, I travel with my car to my local mechanic and remind them of my name and what is the problem. And then, I let them do their job and correct the problem. Most of the time after I pay the bill, I get back in the car and drive away realizing in the first few miles of my journey that they have fixed the problem.
As I was leaving the mechanic recently, this truth hit me hard between the eyes: IF I CAN SO ABLY TRUST THE MECHANIC WITH MY CAR, WHY DO I HAVE A HARD TIME TRUSTING THE CREATOR GOD WITH THE PROBLEMS IN MY LIFE. Things sometimes break around our house: the air conditioning does not work as it should… the microwave does not microwave. I do my best to assess the issue and see if I can correct the problem. Is it a circuit breaker that has tripped? Does the thermostat need to be re-programmed? When I have reached the end of my skills, I call the service tech and put it in their hands. Why do I have a problem doing that with my very own life.
Everyone has trials and troubles that bother or pester them. Sometimes, those troubles are ones that I created or simply circumstantial. Sometimes, I find myself carrying the troubles of members of the congregation I serve or members of my family. Oh, for the wisdom to do what I can and then allow God to do the rest. Genesis 1 tells us that when God created the heavens and the earth, His creation, he exclaimed “It is good”. God has done a glorious job in this world before I was even born. Oh, for wisdom to place the cares of my life and the cares of those I love in the hand of the Master Mechanic trusting Him to mend and repair. Have a joy-filled week.- Pastor Randy Wall
PRAYER Almighty God, we give thanks
for creating us and loving us. We
cast our cares on you trusting the promise that you care for us. Hear our prayers, O Lord. Help us to trust you more knowing you can do
for us more than we ask or imagine; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.