Monday, January 16, 2023

God and Dr. King, Forgive Me!


I do not know when my racial bias and bigotry began.   I do not think it was in my DNA or in my blood.   I believe it was learned through the people I was around.    I remember this black woman that cleaned our house and kept my brother and I when we were very young.   Despite the fact that we loved her, I learned to fear and distrust persons because of the color of their skin.

I can remember hearing adults in my family talking about the Woolworth lunch counter sit ins in early 1960 in Greensboro.    Even if the adults thought I was not listening, I was and learned their disapproval of the protests and the people who were making them.   I can remember discovering in the storage room at a neighbor’s house one day a wooden cross that confirmed my suspicion that he was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.  

Even though it has been over 50 years ago, I still remember the racial unrest in my hometown of Burlington in 1969.    Our high school, Williams High School, was at the heart of the unrest as Jordan Sellers High School was closed and black  students came to Williams.   There were walk outs at school and a city-wide  curfew.    A young black man only a few years younger than myself was killed.   Our high school became the first predominately white high school in the south to have a black football coach, Jerome Evans.

In the Fall, 1970, I began to follow Christ Jesus and became a Christian.    I discovered that God so loved me and that God so loved the world.   As the children’s song says,   “Jesus loves the little children… red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight.”   And this God who loves me and loves children whatever is the color of their skin loves everyone.   And so, God began to work on me and change my heart including taking away that racial bias and bigotry.   Only by the grace of God go I. 

In these days, we observe the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.   It is a federal holiday.    A few months ago, I visited Memphis and the very place where Dr. King was killed by a bullet.   In many ways, people will observe Dr. King’s birthday.  I observe his birthday this year by saying,   “God, forgive me for my racial bias and bigotry and for my silence in the face of it. ”  I made a choice and I am sorry.   I repent of my sin.   God, have mercy on me a sinner!    Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall


PRAYER --   God of many names and many people, thank you for loving each and everyone of us.   Heal our hearts and this land of bias and division.   Forgive us for  the times we do not love one another;   through Christ our Lord.   Amen. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Follow the Star


One of the early explorers in the history of America was a man named Daniel Boone.   In the mountains of NC, you can find a town named after him and you can even find in that area remnants of the Boone Trail that legend says that Daniel Boone took when he headed to explore a region today we call Kentucky.    I recall a story that is told about a time that Daniel Boone was asked “Have you ever gotten lost?”    The story goes that Daniel Boone replied,  “No, but there have been times when I have been a might bewildered.”

Here we are in the early days of 2023.    We know the good and bad, the joys and sorrows that are behind us in 2022.   Though we have plans, goals, and dreams, we don’t know for sure what lies ahead of us in this new year.    Our schedule might say that we have meetings at work or church, or doctors appointments and dental appointments.    We anticipate the birthdays of friends and family.   However, there is something a little bewildering for us as we face this new year.  As Daniel Boone travelled to a new frontier we call Kentucky, we go into a new frontier we have never gone before called 2023. 

One of the things I learned in my boy scouting days was that you could use the North Star as a point of  reference in finding your way in the dark of night.   There were times when I did  just that as a teenage boy.    Friends, we have  a “North Star” to lead us and guide us as we make the bewilderment of a new year called 2023.    It is the God we know in Jesus Christ.   Let His Spirit offer you peace and wisdom in the year ahead;  let His Word in the Scriptures we be a light for your path and a lamp for your feet.  

A few months ago,  I went to the funeral of my friend, Wylene Graybeal.    When I was her pastor and we would gather for a church meal,   Wylene would often say that the meal was the “best one yet.”    With Gods guidance, God’s peace, and God’s Word this year 2023 can be the best one yet.    Have a joy-filled week and a joy-filled 2023.-  Pastor Randy Wall


PRAYER --   God,  you are Alpha and Omega, beginning and the end.   Thank you for your presence and your guidance as we face the fresh new path before us called 2023.  We love you, Lord;   through Christ our Lord.   Amen.