Thursday, February 15, 2024

Keeping Your Eyes on the Ball


The month of February is the shortest month of the year.   Though it only lasts 28 days most years, it  holds several important events.    For the sports fan,  February is the time when the Super Bowl takes place.    Ash Wednesday is on February 14 this year as Christians begin the journey of Lent.   For the romanctically inclined,  February 14 is also  Valentines Day when persons have license to show their  love for people that are important in life.    There is something else that happens in February that perhaps does get as much attention as these other February events and it is this:   the beginning of Spring training for Major League Baseball.    While I certainly would not say that I am a good baseball player, I always look forward to the beginning of Spring training  knowing  that means that baseball season is not far away.   One of the things that every baseball  player  knows is fundamental in playing  baseball is this:  keep your eye on the ball.    If you take your eye off the ball, you are apt to miss getting a hit or catching a ball.

 There has been a lot going on in the life of Church in recent years.   For several years,   Church leaders have had to  balance health issues and  church life and practice due to COVID.   Should we have worship in person or not?    Should we have other church events in person or only virtually?     Church leaders have had to educate themselves on health issues along with being experts in theology and Biblical studies.    For those of the United Methodist persuasion, recent years have brought  division that has led to questions  of whether each of us and our church will remain a United Methodist Church or disaffiliate.   In the midst of this time,  perhaps we in  church leadership  have  sometimes taken our eye off the ball and been distracted from our main focus which is this:   serving God and our neighbor for the transformation of the world.    

 Baseball players and Christ followers alike, keep your eyes on the ball.   Maintain your focus.  As someone said many years ago, “let us keep the main thing the main thing.”     May God help all of us in His Church to keep our focus on our mission to serve  God and neighbor for the transformation of the world.   Have a joy-filled week-   Pastor Randy Wall 

 PRAYER --  O God,  thank you  for your love for us and your calling to be your followers.  Through the power of your Spirit, help us to keep our focus on loving you and serving others; in Christ’s name I pray.  Amen.