Friday, March 15, 2024

Striking Out


In my last blog, I spoke about major league baseball.       As I write this, major league baseball is in midst of Spring training.   Pre-season baseball games are being held in Florida and Arizona which means that the regular season of major league baseball is not far away.  Not long ago, I reviewed the statistics on what major league baseball player holds the record for most strikeouts in their career.    According to Wilkipedia,  Reggie Jackson holds the distinction of striking out the most times as he  sought to hit the ball.    Why, Reggie Jackson struck out a grand total of 2,597 times.   That is a lot of times striking out in the batters box.    As I reviewed the list of hitters who had the most strikeouts, I noticed something significant:  most, if not all, the baseball players who had lots of strikeouts as batters are in the Baseball Hall of Fame.  

Baseball players are not the only ones that mess up.   So does every person.   None of us are perfect and sometimes we fail, make mistakes, or sin.  We miss the mark!  The apostle Paul speaks about that and the hope that we have when we strike out in Romans 3:22-24:

22 God’s righteousness through the faithfulness of Jesus[a] the Messiah[b]— for all who believe. For there is no distinction among people,[c] 23 since all have sinned and continue to fall short of God’s glory. 24 By his grace they are justified freely through the redemption that is in the Messiah[d] Jesus,

In baseball and life, each of us sometimes falter, fail, mess up, or strike out.   But thanks be to God, we are justified and redeemed through Christ Jesus.     During this season of Lent, that is what the cross and Good Friday is all  about.  While Reggie Jackson and so many others went from striking out  to reaching the Baseball Hall of Fame, followers of  Christ have the resurrection hope of Easter and eternal life.   Thanks be to God.  Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall


PRAYER --  O God,  I am a sinner.   So many times, I have failed to be the person you have called me to be.    Thank you for the bountiful, amazing grace that is found in the cross of Christ Jesus for  all who humble themselves before you and confess their sins;  through Christ our Lord.   Amen.