Thursday, June 25, 2015

Things that Change and Do Not Change

One of the things I always seem to encounter when I move are old, out of fashion clothing.   I think back to the 1960's when I wore tie dye t shirts and baggy jeans. In the 1970's,  I commonly wore leisure suits to church and platform shoes.     I have to admit that I am slow to part with clothing that still fits and is not worn out.  However,  I got rid of that clothing a long time ago.

Oh, how things change.    The clothes we are and the way we communicate are just a few ways that things are different today.

One of the things that does not change is God.      Hebrews 13:8 puts it this way:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

One of my favorite hymns ,  "Great is thy faithfulness", says this:

“Great is Thy faithfulness,” O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be

Though fashions and the years go,  God changes not.  Thanks be to God.  

Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:    Living and Loving God,  we thank you that through the days and through the years your love changest not.    Bless us in this day that we might be a blessing for you;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How is God moving?

The picture above illustrates what my wife and I were experiencing just a few weeks ago as we moved into a new home.    Most of us see moving as a bad thing and I must admit that I did also when I was in the thick of it.   It is never easy packing boxes, loading a moving truck, and learning a new community.  

I did a brief search of the scriptures and we see so many times when something or someone moves and it is a wonderful thing.   In Exodus 14,  a pillar of a cloud moves in front of the Israelites as they move through the wilderness.  A call from God moves an old man named Abram to move his bags as God promises in Genesis 12 that he will be the father of his chosen people.   In  John 11,  we see that Jesus is deeply moved as he comes upon those who grieve over the death of his friend Lazarus.

How is God moving in your life in these days?     Is God calling you to a new venture like he did Abraham?    Is God calling you to a new way to serve Him?    As God went before the Israelites in the wilderness, you can be assured that God will go with you and before you.    God bless- Randy Wall

Monday, June 8, 2015

A Seat is Waiting for You

You will see above a picture of a fresco found in a small episcopal church located outside of West Jefferson, NC in the community of Glendale Springs.    This fresco was created by Statesville native Ben Long and his students  in the summer of 1980.    When I lived in the West Jefferson area back in the 1990's, I used to visit this fresco regularly.  It was a source of inspiration for me.

As you might guess, this is Ben Long's depiction of the last supper that the Lord Jesus had with his disciples.   One of the things that stands out for me about this is the small stool in the middle of the picture.   This stool reminds us that there is a seat  for us at the Lords table.   Like the disciples that shared with Jesus at the Lords table, we have often been unfaithful to me. Yet,  he invites us to commune with me despite our sin and blemishes on our soul.   We can commune with him knowing those blemishes and sins are covered because of the body of Christ that was broken for us and the blood of Christ that was shed for us.  Thanks be to God.    I look forward to gathering with you and people at the Lords table real soon.-  Pastor Randy Wall