Wednesday, June 17, 2015

How is God moving?

The picture above illustrates what my wife and I were experiencing just a few weeks ago as we moved into a new home.    Most of us see moving as a bad thing and I must admit that I did also when I was in the thick of it.   It is never easy packing boxes, loading a moving truck, and learning a new community.  

I did a brief search of the scriptures and we see so many times when something or someone moves and it is a wonderful thing.   In Exodus 14,  a pillar of a cloud moves in front of the Israelites as they move through the wilderness.  A call from God moves an old man named Abram to move his bags as God promises in Genesis 12 that he will be the father of his chosen people.   In  John 11,  we see that Jesus is deeply moved as he comes upon those who grieve over the death of his friend Lazarus.

How is God moving in your life in these days?     Is God calling you to a new venture like he did Abraham?    Is God calling you to a new way to serve Him?    As God went before the Israelites in the wilderness, you can be assured that God will go with you and before you.    God bless- Randy Wall

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