Monday, August 24, 2015

Lessons Learned this Summer

School is starting in these days or just started  in the part of the world where I call home. College students are already getting in the routine of their schedule, and other students will soon be in the ebb and flow of another school year.    As another school year starts, it occurs to me that I have been in school for several weeks.  My teachers have been my two youngest grandchildren:  9 month old Eloise and 2 year old Madelyn.  They have been visiting with Ann and I since early July.  Above you will find a picture of little Eloise at her birth last November.     Though Ann and I have been grandparents for several years now, this is the longest period of time that we have spent with our grandchildren.  In the midst of this visit, these toddler/teachers  have taught this grandpa  some important lessons.  Perhaps it is more accurate to say they have given this old guy some good reminders.   Below find two of those lessons: 

THERE IS JOY AND WONDER IN THE SIMPLEST OF THINGS-  Eloise and Madelyn find great delight in the simplest of things like filling the bird feeders and watching the birds eat… playing with a paper box… and walking across the floor.   They have reminded me that if I  just observe the world around me,  there is something great and glorious to see.

LIFE BRINGS ITS TEARS FOR A WHILE, BUT ALSO HAS SO MANY JOYS-   Eloise and Madelyn both have their crying spells at times such as  when they are hungry… their diapers need to be changed… or they don’t get what they want.  While they can often cry quickly, they just as quickly are laughing and giggling.   I need to learn that lesson and not let the things in life get  me down for a day… a week… or even months.    Life will have its trials, but it has a lot more blessings. 

I wonder how much Jesus was around children.  While we do not know how much Jesus spent around young children in adulthood or when he was growing up,  we do know that he valued children.  In Matthew 19:13-15, we read:    

13 Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them.14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” 15 When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.
Oh, to be more like children and learn the lessons they have to teach us.  Have a blessed week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:    O God,  I thank you  for the gift of the children in our lives and our families.  Help us to live before them a life that shows you.  Give us open hearts to learn from them even as they learn from us;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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