Monday, September 28, 2015

An Echo of the Words of a Brother?

Once a month, the folks of Ann Street Church come together for food for their stomach and food for their soul.    After a breakfast on the church campus,  we put aside some time to study the scriptures.    A few weeks ago, we started a new study on the Book of James.  As is the case with many of the books of the Bible, there is no certainty about who wrote the book of James.   Many people believe that the Book of James was written by James, the brother of Jesus. 

I wonder as we read the Book of James if we hear in the words of the author  an echo of the words of his brother, Jesus?   Are the words from the Book  of James something the author  heard Jesus say in his relationship with him?      As James says “faith without works is dead”  (see James 2), is he echoing something he heard Jesus say?    As James speaks about the dangerous power of the tongue (see James 3), is he repeating the gest of something he heard Jesus say around the house before he officially began his ministry?   

We cannot know for sure whether the author of James was the brother  of Jesus.  What we can know for sure is that Jesus lived what he spoke and the acts of Jesus were just as important  as were the words of Jesus.  May all of us go and not just talk about Jesus, but live  like Jesus.  Have a joy-filled week.  -  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:   O awesome God:  I thank you  for the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Help us to let the  Word be seen in and through us.   Amen.   

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