One of the habits I have
developed in recent years is to exercise four to seven days a week. I acknowledge this has not always been a
habit of mine. However, I spend 30 to 50
minutes exercising several days at week.
I was exercising at a local fitness center the other Sunday morning when
I looked around the place at the few people there and thought: “I wonder how many of these folks will be in a place of worship
today?” I can testify that physical
exercise and worship can co-exist with each other on Sundays. Most every Sunday, I will go to church
after having spent some time at that local fitness center.
As I wondered to myself about the number of people in that
place who would be a part of a corporate worship service on that Sunday, I remembered a passage of
scripture that is found in I Timothy 4:7-8 which says:
Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but
godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life
and the life to come.
It is important that we care
for this body that God has given us.
Many of us spend far too much time living a sedentary lifestyle. Our bodies are as the scriptures say a “temple of the Holy
Spirit.” However, physical exercise is
not enough. We also need regular
spiritual exercise through disciplines like prayer, reading the scriptures, and
worship. Are you building up your spiritual muscles and doing your
spiritual exercise? I commend it to
you. Have a joy-filled week. -
Pastor Randy Wall
Prayer: Lord
God, thank you for creating me and
giving me life. Help me to take care of
this body you have given me and take care of my soul. I want to be closer to you and bring others
closer to you. Hear my prayers; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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