Monday, March 14, 2016

Junk or Treasure?

A few weeks ago, I attended an auction at one of our local self storage facilities at the invitation of an acquaintance who is the district manager for a nationwide self storage company.    Like perhaps some of you, I had seen some of the shows on television where persons attempt to be the winner bidder of the contents of a self storage unit where the property owners fail to pay their rent in a timely manner.  Even though it was a rainy day,  there were probably 15 or so persons present for the auction that day.    On that day, the winning bids ranged from $1 to almost $900.  I was not the winning bidder on any of the units up for auction.  A matter of fact, I did not bid at all but only observed.   What was fascinating to me was that when I looked at the contents of those self storage units I only saw junk,  but the winning bidders saw items of value.  

There are too many people who treat others like I did those self storage units on the auction block that day.     I saw little value in the contents of those self storage units.    There are too many people who look at others and think they have little value in this world  because of their past… the color of their skin….their economic status…their national origin… or because of their faith or lack there-of of faith.    Our God has a different way of looking at people.    While we might see a person with a problem,  our God sees a person with potential.    While we might see a person as if they are a piece of coal,  God looks at them and sees a diamond in the making.      I am reminded of the words of I Peter 2:9 which says:

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people to be his very own and to proclaim the wonderful deeds of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
While each of us might have junk,  the mighty and glorious God of the universe does not make any junk.  Oh, for eyes to see others the way that God sees us.  Oh, to see others as people of great worth and value simply because we are made in the image of God.    Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

 Prayer:   O God, I am awed by the thought that in your wisdom and grace you made me in the image of God.    Help me to treat others knowing that all of us are created by you;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.    Amen.  

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