Monday, April 18, 2016

Somebody's Watching

He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!

The words above are from the song “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”.     As I recall, it was one of my favorite Christmas songs when I was a young boy.   Though the song was written many years ago,  its words about someone always watching us are true in these early days of the 21st century.   In this world where most everyone has a camera as close as their cell phone and where security cameras are everywhere to watch for potential terrorist,  there seems to always be someone watching and always eager to share that camera footage on a social media site. 

We can bemoan these watchful eyes as an invasion of privacy.  We can also celebrate these lurking cameras as a way to bring peace of mind in a dangerous world.   There is another way to look at it, and it is the truth that someone has always been  watching and that Someone is God.    We find that truth in the words of Psalm 139 where we read:

Lord, you have examined me;
    you have known me.
You know when I rest[a]
    and when I am active.[b]
You understand what I am thinking
    when I am distant from you.[c]
You scrutinize my life and my rest;[d]
    you are familiar with all of my ways.
Even before I have formed a word with my tongue,
    you, Lord, know it completely!
You encircle me from back to front,
    placing your hand upon me.
Knowledge like this is too amazing for me.
    It is beyond my reach,
        and I cannot fathom it.
What solace we can take in the truth that God is watching us not to catch us in the act of some grievous sin, but because he loves and cares for us like a parent caring for their child.  Have a joy-filled week.-    Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:  Lord and God, thank you for watching over us like a Shepherd watching over their sheep.  Thank you for your love and care; through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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