Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Password

A few weeks ago,  I was at a church gathering out of town.  Several of the attendees at the meeting including myself came to the meeting equipped with our laptop computers with information that we would discuss during our time together.  So that we could get on the internet, we asked one of the event hosts what was the password for their internet.  We were told the password is joyfulness.  I typed the letters of that word on my laptop and soon had success in being online. 
Though that meeting is past, I have been thinking about that password.  Joyfulness is more than a password to gain access onto the internet; no, it is a password to a fulfilled life.  We will encounter the word “joy” often in the next few weeks during this Advent and Christmas season.    Many of us will sing or hear sung the hymn “Joy to the World” or perhaps hear ”tidings of comfort and joy” as we hear the story about the birth of Christ Jesus.    How can we know joyfulness in this season and in every season?
Here is a short list of things that bring joyfulness and fulfillment to me.  I share them not in any particular order but simply as they come to mind.   They are as follows:  
·         Giving to others without expectation to receive anything tangible in return
·         Loving others and being loved by others
·         Spending time with children and with older adults
·         Singing songs and hearing music   
·         Watching the wonder and beauty of God’s creation and God’s creatures
·         Being forgiven and forgiving others
            My hope and prayer is that the things I listed above might be a part of my life in the busyness of these days.  Don’t like my short list of things that bring me joyfulness and fulfillment?  Then, make your own list and discover your own password.    Better yet, make those things a part of your days.  -  Have a joyful week.-   Pastor Randy Wall  

Prayer:  O God, help joy be more than a word I  read or a word I sing.  Help joy to be known in my heart.   Give me eyes of faith to see the joys around me in these days;  through Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

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