Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Pet Rocks And Other Christmas Gifts

I was browsing on the internet the other day and noticed that they are selling pet rocks again.    As I saw the ads for pet rocks,  I thought back to a Christmas in the 1970’s when I got a pet rock for a Christmas gift.   They were a fad at the time.  You can see a picture of a pet rock above.   Pet rocks are certainly easier to take care of than a dog or cat.    They certainly do not need shots or a litter box.  What do you do with a pet rock?    What do you do with any gift that you receive?   We can use it,  throw it away, give it away, or simply stash in into a closet, attic, or drawer to never be seen again. 
We prepare in these days not only to give gifts to friends and family, but to celebrate the greatest gift of this season or any lifetime-  God’s gift, Jesus Christ.   There is a scene in the gospels when the Roman leader, Pontius Pilate, has Jesus before him.  As Jesus stands there,  we hear these words in Matthew 27:22,  “What shall I do with Jesus, who is called the Messiah?” 
What shall we do with the greatest gift of this season or our life,  Jesus Christ?     I cannot tell you what happened to my pet rock, but I can tell you that I have not seen it in decades.  Will the gift of Jesus Christ be something that you get rid of when the thrills of Christmas are gone, or will Christ become a part of your life and routine in the days ahead?    Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall 

Prayer:  O God,  we look forward with great expectation the coming of Christmas and the coming of your Son and our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Prepare our hearts to give him room in this season and in our lives.  Amen.

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