Wednesday, September 6, 2017

What We Might Miss Seeing the Eclipse

I marveled at the wonder of the solar eclipse a few weeks ago as did millions across the country. I did not see the eclipse directly since I did not have the required eyewear, but I witnessed it via television and the internet.    The eclipse got me to thinking about the wonder and beauty of this world in which we live.    I don’t know about you, but I confess that sometimes I get too busy with the lists of things to do and of the headlines on the news to see the wonder that is going on around me.   While a solar eclipse comes along about as often as a snow on the 4th of July in the Carolinas, everyday there are wonders to see if we only pause to see and experience them.  Every day, the sun rises and the sun sets… a baby is born… the birds sing their cheerful, melodious song even though they know not where their next meal will come from.  Often this time of year, a storm or thunderstorm gives way to a rainbow flashing its colors across the sky… the moon and stars light up the summer night…and the birds sit on a perch outside our den window looking perfectly made. 

One of the lessons of the solar eclipse that I hope will linger with me is to experience the life God has given me with a greater awareness of the wonders that he gives not just occasionally with a solar eclipse, but each day. Oh, for eyes to see and a heart to receive the wonders of God’s creation.    Have a joy-filled week. -  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:    O God, slow me down to see and sense the wonders of this world you have created.  Thank you for the marvels of your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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