Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Persons The Light Shines Through

Today is  November 1.  It is the beginning of the 11th month of the year.   The turning of the calendar to November means that Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the end of the year is not very far away.   November 1 is also a special day on the church calendar as it is known as All Saints Day.    

Saint is a word that brings to mind for many people a life lived without blemish and filled with the performance of miracles.   The Roman Catholic Church has a process for designating a person as a saint. The performance of  miracles and living a blameless life are two criteria that are a part of the process.   It is interesting to me that you will not find the word “saint” at all in modern translations of the Bble like the New International Version or The Message.   The word “saint” that we find in the King James Version is often translated to mean “holy ones”.     I am grateful to God for the saints that we read about in church history like St. Augustine and St. Peter, but I am also grateful for the saints who I have encountered in my own journey.

The story is told of a pastor who had the tradition of having a “childrens time” at Sunday worship.   One Sunday, he asked the children:  “What is a saint.?”   One child thought for a moment  and observed the stained glass windows showing images of people in the sanctuary, and exclaimed:   “Pastor, a saint is a person that the light shines through.”

I give thanks to God for those saints I have encountered in my life who have allowed the light of Christ to shine through them.   My life is better because of them.  Perhaps this All Saints Day is a good time for you to think of those saints who have touched your own life.   Thank them if you are able, and give thanks to God for them.  Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:   O God, I thank you for the saints who have crossed my path and have shown me the goodness of you.   Help me to follow their example and live more like you;   through Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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