Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Cyber Shopping

Cyber shopping is becoming a common way that people shop.   While I am not an expert on the subject, I read that brick and mortar stores continue to struggle to compete in the marketplace.  Just a few days ago, Cyber Monday (the Monday after Thanksgiving weekend) took place and reports were that online shopping set a record.    I understand why online shopping is so appealing.   It is certainly convenient to shop at any time in the comfort of your own home without having to dress up or search for a parking space.   I am afraid, however, that there is something that is lost when we shop solely on our computer and through our smart phone.  What we lose is the connection with people.   When we simply shop through the convenience of the internet, we lose the communal shopping experience. 

My family will certainly verify that I am not particularly fond of shopping.  While I might not like to shop, I certainly enjoy being around people.  I recall going from town to town, store to store shopping with my oldest daughter as she looked for the perfect prom dress… and going with my wife Ann to look at wedding rings in area jewelry stores.   I remember as a boy that Mildred was always helpful to my Mom as she shopped for school clothes at J.C. Penney for my brother and myself.   While it is so much easier to shop at home on the internet, what I miss when I do is connecting with people.    

As one can shop on the internet, persons today can also get a dose of religion and faith anytime and anyplace thanks to the world wide web and the internet.   The internet is full of blogs by pastors like myself, worship services, Bible studies, and sermons of many differing faiths and viewpoints.    You are certainly experiencing the same by reading this blog.   However, I still believe that cyber religion and faith cannot take the place of the religious activity that takes place when you sit in a church pew or face to face in a small group and encounter God through the people in front of us and around us.    As God comes among us in the flesh in the babe of Bethlehem, Christ Jesus, so the best way I encounter God sometimes is through a fellow human being.   Have a joy filled week. -  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:    O God, I thank you for all the ways at our disposal today to connect with you.  I also thank you for people that are your instruments.  As you reveal yourself through others, help me to do the same; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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