Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Ground Hog Day

Groundhog Day is a couple of days away.   It is not a holiday in the area where I live, but I suspect those in Pennsylvania are getting ready to see what Punxsutawney Phil will predict about when winter will end.    While I cannot predict what that Groundhog will say about the length of winter,  I for one hope that winter ends sooner rather than later. 

There are all sorts of signs that people use to predict the weather.  My Grandpa Perry used to plant his garden each year according to the signs he saw in his Farmer’s Almanac.  Others will observe the nuts collected by squirrels saying they will predict how harsh a winter we will have.  I also have heard folks say that if you hear thunder in the winter you better watch out  because that is a sign of  snow coming  in a few days.

We have some sophisticated technology today to predict the weather like weather radar and weather satellites.   We can get the weather forecast anytime and most anywhere thanks to the internet and the Weather Channel.  Despite all this technology, sometimes the weather forecasters get the weather forecast correct and sometimes they are wrong. 

I have no idea what is the intelligence level of the groundhog.   The weather forecasters on television certainly have a degree and knowledge  in a field I know little about.    Despite the best of weather forecasts, none of us truly knows what the future will bring.  Ecclesiastes 8:7 puts it this way:

Since no one knows the future who can tell someone else what is to come?

While we might not know what the future holds for the weather or for our lives, how good it is that we know who holds the future?   Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:   Lord of God,  your love is sure and steady in summer and winter, on cold days and on hot days.   As we face the days ahead,  help us trust in you and your providential care;  through Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

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