then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things you have heard me
say in the presence of many witnessesentrust to reliable people who will
also be qualified to teach others. 3 Join
with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 No one serving as a soldier gets entangled
in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer.- II Timothy 2:1-4
Veterans Day is only a
few days away. While Memorial Day is a
day in which Americans remember with thanksgiving those who paid the ultimate
sacrifice in service to their country,
Veterans Day is a day when we remember those who served in our armed
forces. Since Veterans Day is on a
Sunday this year, I am certain that many churches will recognize the Veterans
among them in all sorts of ways. As the
father in law of a young man currently serving in our nation’s military and as
the nephew of three men that served in our nation’s military in days past, I am grateful for family who did serve and
are still serving.
I came across the
passage of scripture above recently
where the apostle Paul uses a soldier as a metaphor for disciples of Jesus
Christ (“good soldier of Christ Jesus”). While I am thankful as an American for the
many veterans who served in our nation’s military in days past, I am thankful as a Christian for those “good
soldiers of Christ Jesus” who have kept the faith, shared the faith, and had
faith. They are the ones that have
mentored us and prayed for us. They are
the people who have not only talked about Christ, but sought to show
Christ-likeness in their daily life.
There are many people in my life who have been a “good soldier of Christ
Jesus”. Some are living, and others
have gone on to their eternal reward.
While it is good and right to honor the Veterans of our nation’s
military on Veteran’s Day, it is good
and right to honor the good soldiers of
Christ Jesus. Why not take the time to
give one of those “good soldiers” a call, a card, or a visit this week and
thank them for their service for the sake of the gospel and impact on your
life? You will be glad you did, and they
will be grateful. Have a
joy-filled week.-- Pastor Randy Wall
Prayer: O God, I
thank you those who have fought the good fight and kept the faith as
soldiers of the cross. Grant that
through the inspiration of their lives and the strength of your Spirit that I
might go and do likewise; through Christ
our Lord. Amen.
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