Note: The following is a piece I wrote several years ago that I believe is still applicable. Happy Thanksgiving.- RW
It is almost Thanksgiving and there
is probably someone each of us knows who is wondering what there is to be
thankful for because sickness, grief and loss, or other challenges have come
near. Many people are struggling to make ends meet. Thanksgiving
originated in such times. In 1621, the
Pilgrims came together for a three day Thanksgiving
festival in their new homeland of Massachusetts. The winter before had been very difficult
for them, and almost half of their group had died. Yet, they came together with their Indian
friends to offer thanks to God.
President Abraham Lincoln was the president that signed the order in
1863 designating the fourth Thursday in November to be a day of thanksgiving.
He signed the order as North fought South during the civil war a short
time after having visited the Gettysburg battlefield and given the Gettysburg
The thing that the pilgrims and
Lincoln have in common is not just that
they are Americans but they were able to see even in troubling times the
blessing and bounty that God gives that
calls forth from us a spirit of thanksgiving and praise. During these troubling and challenging times,
may gratitude and thanksgiving for what God has given rise up also from
O God, it is right
that we should always and everywhere give you thanks and praise. Thank you for the bounty you give to
all; through Jesus Christ our
Lord. Amen.
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