Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The 12th Day of Christmas

Since last Sunday was the day of  Epiphany  (the 12th day  after the birth of Jesus when   the wise men arrived from their far country home to worship the Christ child), I have found myself thinking about the wise men lately.   How about those gifts that the wise men brought to the Christ child.   How did they ever decide to bring those gifts?   Wouldn’t it have been more practical to bring the Christ child a blanket or baby clothing instead of gold, frankincense, and myrrh?    And what about that gold, frankincense, and myrrh  given to the Christ child?  Certainly the Christ child had no ability at his young age to make a decision about how to use  those things.  I wonder what Mary and Joseph did with those gifts?  Did they use the gold to finance their quick trip to Egypt or give it in the temple as a gift to God?   Since myrrh was used as a burial ointment and Joseph is believed to have died when Jesus was at a  young  age, was Joseph’s  body anointed with the myrrh that the wise men brought?   Did Mary and Joseph give the frankincense to Zechariah (father of John the Baptist) to use in his duty at the temple?  

None of us know what Mary and Joseph did with the gifts the wise men brought the Christ child.  Since the Holy Scriptures do not tell us, all we can do is speculate about their use.  But one thing is certain:  when a gift is given, the receiver of the gift must decide what to do with it.      Every day, you and I are given the gift of life and new life in Christ.    Our life and our salvation is a gift given to us by God.  We can use the gift of this life and salvation  or not use it   It is God’s desire that we use the gift of life and new life in Christ for the glory of God.  What will we do with the life that is ours in Christ? 

            O God,  thank you for the gift of life.  Lord, give me the faithfulness and the wisdom to use the gift of life in Christ for your glory;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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