Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Lent Begins

This week, Christians across the world  begin the season of Lent.  We call the first day of Lent “Ash Wednesday” because at worship on that day at our church and for  centuries the foreheads of Christians are marked with ashes.  Lent is a season that reminds me of who I am-  a sinner.  In the Old Testament, ashes were a common symbol of penitence for persons.  You and I need to wear ashes as a reminder that we are sinners.  Time after time, we fail to love God with our whole being and our neighbors as ourselves. 

            Lent is not only a time to remind us who we are, but also a time to remember who we are called to be by the one called Jesus the Christ who exclaimed, “rise, take up your cross, and follow me.”     We are called to follow the way of Jesus, who walked the way of a cross.  By the grace of God that was won for us on the cross of Christ, we answer the call of Christ Jesus to follow and be His disciples. 


            Almighty God, I confess that I am a sinner in need of your grace.  Forgive me who I have been, and empower me by your Spirit to be the disciple of Jesus Christ you have called me to be;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A Child's Song and Prayer

God our Father, God our Father,
We thank you,  We thank you,
For your many blessings, For your many blessings.
Amen, Amen.

A few days after Christmas, I spent a few days with my daughter, Heather, and her family in Texas.   It was so good to be with all of them especially with her 3 children.   When we sat down for dinner,  3 year old Ezra sang the words of the song found above as the blessing for our meal.  Like most 3 year olds, Ezra cannot count to 100 nor can he write a sentence.  However, he could sing that song with joy and zest.   It touched my heart not just because he is my grandchild, but it reminded me that one of the most important things that any of us can learn is to be  grateful for the blessings that God  gives to all of us each day.  Ezra knows that and I am grateful for the reminder that he gave his “Pop Pop” that day.     I am reminded of the words that the pastor declares when we prepare to share the Lords Supper:  “It is right that we should always and everywhere give you thanks and praise.”     Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall
Prayer:    O God, forgive us for the times we are slow to acknowledge the blessings that are ours with each day.   Give us hearts that overflow with gratitude;  through Christ Jesus our Lord.   Amen.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Team of Rivals?

 When you get right down to it,  everyday is the birthday of someone.   February 12  is the birthday of a person important in my life:  my grandson, Thomas.  Happy birthday, Thomas.  I am so glad to call you my grandson!     It  is also the birthday of someone important in the life of American history:  the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.
 In her book, Team of Rivals, Doris Kearns Goodwin reminds us that 3 members of the cabinet of Abraham Lincoln ran against Lincoln for President of the United States  in 1860:  Secretary of State William Henry Seward, Secretary of Treasury Salmon P. Chase, and Attorney General Edward Bates.   Despite the fact that these 3 men were former rivals, Lincoln chose to have them as a part of his cabinet.    Another interesting thing about the Cabinet of President Lincoln was that Seward, Chase, and Bates were also the only members of the Republican Party in his Cabinet.

Perhaps the leaders of our community, state, nation, and church would do well to study and learn from Lincoln about the importance of working together.   As the motto of the great state of Kentucky says,  ‘United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”      Jesus puts it this way in Luke 11:17,  “ 17 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: “Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. “  Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall
Prayer:    O God, you have made each of us unique and different.  Yet, you have also made us more alike than different.    Give us grace to work across our differences for the betterment of our world and of your Kingdom;   through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Winter Snow, Winter Slow

 The word “snow” gets our attention in the area where I live.    Schools close and organizations change their plans simply at the mention of the word.    Grocery stores run out of milk and bread as consumers prepare for the worst.
As I looked at the word “snow”  today, I noticed something about the word I had never noticed before.  If you take out the “n” in the word “snow” and replace it with a “L” it makes a new word:  “slow”.    Snow does slow us down and I am not just talking about our speed on the roads.  It slows down business and the day to day bustle we are all engaged in. 

There was a song that country music group Alabama sang a few years ago that has these words in its chorus:  "I’m in a hurry to get things done/  Oh I rush and rush till life’s no fun/ All I really got to do is live and die/  But I’m in a hurry and don’t know why.”      That chorus sums up life for many of us including this pastor.    I seem to stay in a hurry.  But then snow comes, and I slow.  I don’t know what you think, but I think that I need that every now and then.

It is not just my opinion that we need to slow down every now and then.  No,  it is God’s opinion too.  In Psalm 46:10, we read,  these words, 
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”

Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:    Slow us down, Lord, to more fully feel the stirrings of your Spirit within us and around us;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.