Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Lent Begins

This week, Christians across the world  begin the season of Lent.  We call the first day of Lent “Ash Wednesday” because at worship on that day at our church and for  centuries the foreheads of Christians are marked with ashes.  Lent is a season that reminds me of who I am-  a sinner.  In the Old Testament, ashes were a common symbol of penitence for persons.  You and I need to wear ashes as a reminder that we are sinners.  Time after time, we fail to love God with our whole being and our neighbors as ourselves. 

            Lent is not only a time to remind us who we are, but also a time to remember who we are called to be by the one called Jesus the Christ who exclaimed, “rise, take up your cross, and follow me.”     We are called to follow the way of Jesus, who walked the way of a cross.  By the grace of God that was won for us on the cross of Christ, we answer the call of Christ Jesus to follow and be His disciples. 


            Almighty God, I confess that I am a sinner in need of your grace.  Forgive me who I have been, and empower me by your Spirit to be the disciple of Jesus Christ you have called me to be;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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