Tuesday, April 7, 2020

A Bloody Truth

As many of you know, I am a United Methodist pastor.  Back in the 1980’s, the United Methodist Church began the process of creating a new hymnal.     A committee was created to lead the task and included several people from my home state of North Carolina.  In the process of creating the new hymnal, the committee sought thoughts and opinions from people across the United Methodist Church about hymns and music.  I remember that among the people who gave input was a woman who was a loyal United Methodist.   Among her comments was this:  she did not like all the hymns that talk about blood. 

Most of us are cautious about blood.  Health professionals take precautions in their contact with blood of other people and encourage us to do the same.  Many parents are cautious about their  young children watching movies and shows that feature a lot of bloody scenes.  Despite that, this is the week when devout Christians are faced with talk about blood.   This Friday is known as Good Friday by Christians everywhere as it is the day that we remember “that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us”.    On Thursday of this week, Christians will gather around the Lords Table sharing bread and cup remembering that Christ’s body was broken and his blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins.  

While the sight of blood might not be something that brings joy and glee, in this Holy Week Christians find meaning in the truth that Christ died on a cross where His blood was shed for you and I.   May that truth be not just a somber truth for you in these days, but may it also be a hope for you.   Have a joy-filled Holy Week.  -   Pastor Randy Wall

            God, we confess to you our discomfort with death and dying.  Yet, we cling in our discomfort to the truth that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.  Thank you for loving us to death; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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