Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Parent in a Different Way

            Mothers Day is the second Sunday in May.  In a variety of ways, folks are giving thanks in these days for  the mother in their lives.      While it is good and right to follow the words of the commandment to “honor our father and mother”, we also have spiritual mothers and fathers in the faith.  All of us have youth counselors, Sunday School teachers, and friends in the Christian life who have nurtured us, encouraged us, and guided us. 
            In I Samuel 3, we hear the call of Samuel to be God’s messenger.   During the evening, 3 times Samuel hears his name being called.  He mistakenly thinks that Eli the priest is calling him, so he rushes to Eli’s side.  After Samuel comes to him for a third time, we hear these words in I Samuel 3:8-9, “Then Eli perceived that the Lord was calling the boy.  Therefore Eli said to Samuel, ‘Go, lie down; and if he calls you, you shall say, ‘Speak, Lord, for thy servant hears.’”   Samuel was only able to discern God’s call and claim upon his life because of the guidance of Eli. 
            As Samuel had Eli to encourage, guide, and nurture him in his spiritual journey, I give thanks to God regularly for the clergy and laity in the past and in the future who have guided me to understand God’s call in my life.  In response to that, I encourage you to do two things:  First, give thanks to God for those spiritual mothers and fathers in your life, and let those persons know you appreciate them.  God has blessed your life through those persons, so express your thanksgivings.  Secondly, let us seek to imitate the life of Christ that we might become spiritual mothers and fathers in the faith for someone else.  Faith is to be lived and shared;  I invite you to share that faith by helping guide, encourage, and nurture the Christian life of others by who you are. 
            Thank you, God, for those persons in my spiritual journey that have helped me know you and know more about you.  Help me to not only admire them and thank him, but to follow them in seeking to imitate Christ;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

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