Monday, August 31, 2020

The Red Tape Above the Doctor's Door

            During the height of the pandemic, I found myself in the doctors office one day for necessary treatment  even though I was not sure it was wise to be in a “sickly place”.    As I was going into the office, I noticed something that seemed odd and out of place:  a long piece of red tape above the glass office door.    During the time I had with the doctor, I mentioned to him about the long strip of red tape above the door and what was the reason for it.  While I thought that it had been left by a worker doing some task at his place of business, I was absolutely wrong.    I share what the doctor told me in the first person as he told it to me:

            “Randy, as a student of the Bible, you remember that when the Israelites were getting ready to leave Egypt, God asked them to put red blood on their door posts so the angel of death would pass over their homes and not claim their first born child.    That strip of red tape was not left by a careless, forgetful worker, but it was deliberately placed there by me.   I have been praying that God would protect this place, our staff, and those patients that come through its doors.  That piece of tape is a visible reminder of my prayers and God’s protection to all who come in this place.”

            There are so many doctors and medical professionals like that doctor who are praying with and praying for patients in the midst of this pandemic.   While pastors and family members may not be able to be there by the side of the sick as they face sickness and surgery, medical personnel like that doctor have been praying for their care, protection, and healing.    Thanks be to God for all those doctors and medical personnel who are in the healing business and know the healing touch of the Great Physician, Jesus Christ.   Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

O God,  I give you thanks today especially for medical personnel  who are your instruments through their faith and their work.  As you worked through the Great Physician, Jesus Christ as he walked among us, work through them in these days.   Amen. 

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