Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A World Filled with Books

 The summer months are traditionally a time when students set their books aside and enjoy activities like swimming.  When I was growing up, my Mom thought it important that my brother and I go to the local library during the summer to check out some books to maintain our reading skills.   It was through the books that I read during those summer days that I gained a love for reading that continues to this day.  

The Gospel of John is a different book of the Bible.   You might have heard the saying that “that is a horse of a different color.”  Well, it is fair to say that the gospel of John is a different gospel than Matthew, Mark, and Luke.    The other  day, I was thinking about books and I thought of the final words of the gospel of John.   In John 21:  24-25 we read:

24 This is the disciple who testifies to these things and who wrote them down. We know that his testimony is true.   25 Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

            I was always amazed at the number of books in my local library when I was a child when I compared it to the number of books in our home.    There are lots of books that are in print in our world today.   Visit one of the book stores at your local mall or go out on an internet site that sells books and look at all the books there are.   Oh, just to imagine that that all the books in the world are not enough to write down all the good and glorious things that the Lord Jesus Christ did and is still doing in our world today.    What a mighty Savior and what a great God we serve.  Have a joy-filled week!-  Pastor Randy Wall


PRAYER :     O God,  we give you thanks for the fact that you are still working in the world today.   Give us eyes to see your mighty works and hands and hearts eager to be instruments of your love;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen. 

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