Sunday, January 10, 2021

I Have Found Today

I was recently going through a copy of an old college yearbook and I came across a poem that I wrote many years ago that was published in the college yearbook.   I share it with you as I believe that it is an appropriate piece in the early days of this new year of 2021.   It had meaning for me as I wrote it almost 50 years ago, and I hope that it has meaning for you in these days.   Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Tomorrow is in the past,

Its sorrows and mishaps

I’ve  closed and locked the door

On past failures and heartaches

And now I’ve left yesterday behind

To seek another home

And furnish it with faith and laughter

And not a bit of  gloom.

No not a thought shall enter me

That has a hint of hate

And every malice and prejudice

Shall never there in reside

I’ve closed out yesterday

And locked the door behind-

Tomorrow holds hope and life

Since I’ve found today.

PRAYER:     O God,   you are alpha and omega, beginning and the end.   Thank you for new chances and new beginnings.  Bless us as we face the joys and challenges of this new year of 2021.  Help us to go forward with confidence knowing that you go  with us whatever the future holds; through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.  

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