I was in the hospital waiting room several years ago,
waiting with a family for a surgery. The
place is filled many people and sounds.
Hospital visitors make their way to visit someone they care about and
hospital staff and volunteers make their way to their duties. There is the sound of the automatic doors
opening and closing… the bell of the elevator as it arrives at this floor… and
the voices of people in this waiting area chatting to pass the time.
I overheard a woman talking as she
waited for the elevator say, “someone
tried to get MY parking place”. I do
not know where that woman parked, but if she parked near the hospital that
parking space was not really hers. If
you want to be technical or legal about it, that parking space probably
belonged to the hospital. Yet, she was
talking like it actually belonged to her.
The mis-statement of that woman is
an important lesson for me. So many
times, most of us act like the things we use regularly are our personal
possession whether we are talking about the pew where we sit in the church
sanctuary or the lane where we drive on our way to work. Most of the time, the thing we claim is our
own is owned by another. Psalm 24:1
tells us who is the rightful owner of all things when it says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in
it; the world, and all who live in
it;” Oh, for the grace to live like
that. Have a joy-filled week.- Pastor Randy Wall
O God, you are the creator of all things and the
giver of all good gifts. Thank you for
the blessings I know in this day and in this life. Thank you for your provision for me. Lord, help me to not only see what you
provide, but help me to live knowing it all comes from you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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