Wednesday, April 13, 2022

At Worship With Curlers in Your Hair


Nan was a short, petite woman who was a member of my home church.   Ironically, she lived  with her husband and son in the same house  where our family lived when I was in elementary school.   Though Nan has been dead for years, I think of her when Holy Week rolls around every year  because of an incident that happened at my home church many years ago.    

It was Maundy Thursday, and Nan and her family were there in their usual seats.    As a new Christian, it perhaps was the first Maundy Thursday Service I had ever attended.   In a day and age when there were many women who would not even leave the house without wearing make up and a dress, lo and behold there was Nan in the Maundy Thursday Service  wearing a scarf over a head that was filled with curlers in her hair.   Later after the service, Nan provided the explanation:   "Well, the pastor said to come to the service as you are and so  I came as I was with curlers in my hair."

During this Holy Week, we ponder those who gather around the cross:
-  Mary, the mother of Jesus, and other women coming in the throes of their grief 
-  A centurion under orders from his superior officer who declares his alleigance to a higher authority as he exclaims "Surely this was the son of God"
-  Mockers who wag their tongues at Jesus because of either what they felt in their heart or because of what  they felt they must say
-  Criminals guilty of charges that brought them to that time and place, one contrite and another that wanted Jesus free them from it all
-   Disciples of Jesus who are there in their confusion and brokenness representing disciples who cower in some secret place

In this Holy Week, come as you are whether you be a disciple, criminal, mocker, soldier, mother, or the like.   Come to Jesus and His cross.   Come as you are knowing that the love that flows from the cross is sufficient to cover all your sins.     Have a blessed week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:    Lord and God, we thank you for the love and grace that is sufficient for us in the cross of Christ whoever we are and wherever we are in our relationship with you.   Thank you, God;  through Christ our Lord.   Amen.   

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