Monday, May 30, 2022

Hitting Singles Instead of Home Runs


It is baseball season now.  While I never was a great baseball player, I am a fan of the game.   Many of you know the names of some of the mighty hitters in baseball history.   Hitters like Babe Ruth and Hank Aaron are known for the many home runs they hit through the years.   Everyone likes home runs and all hitters like to make home runs, but how about singles?  Most of us do not think it much of a big deal to hit a single.     A single is when the hitter gets only to first base when they hit a ball.   I discovered recently that in the history of baseball that the all time leader in single hits was Pete Rose.  

If we can use baseball as a metaphor for the Christian life, I suppose most of us are envious of a Billy Graham who has preached before thousands or of an apostle Paul who founded many churches.   We would consider them “home run leaders” in the Christian faith and life because of their great efforts and accomplishments.      While most of us will not be a Billy Graham or an apostle Paul, all of us are do something and be something in our walk with Christ.  To put it another way, all of us can “hit a single” every now and then.  

A few months ago, I read a book titled The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.   One of the things that Jeff Olson says in the book is that all of us can do  something to make our personal development, health and fitness, and the like better by doing small things.     I have been thinking about that truth when it comes to our walk with Christ.    While many of us think it beyond our capacity to read the whole Bible in a year, all of us have the capacity to spend 10 minutes a day reading our Bible.   While few of us have the time to spend one hour a day in prayer, would we not all have a deeper relationship with Christ if we spent ten minutes a day in prayer?   While few in our world will share the gospel with millions like Billy Graham, I wonder whose life would be different if we had the goal to share our faith with one person a week?

While none of us can do everything, all of us can do some thing in our walk as a follower of Christ.     Again, most of us cannot be a “home run leader” in our walk with Christ; however, all of us can “hit a single” by spending a few minutes a day in prayer, scripture reading, or sharing our faith.   Today is not too soon to get started.  Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall           



Forgive me, Lord, for excusing my lack of action as a disciple by comparing myself to others.   Give me the courage and motivation to do something to grow in knowing you and serving you;   through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Monday, May 16, 2022

A Man Praying By the Side of the Road


   I see him regularly sitting by the side of the road in one of  those folding chairs that  people often put in their cars to sit  in at a concert or a ball game.  The road  is one of the busy thoroughfares in the city I call home.   Since he is sitting in the parking lot of a local church, I assume that  he is a member of that church and a Christian.    There is something else that is there along the side of the road in that church parking lot:   a sign.   It  is one of the signs like you see in a front yard of a home for sale or selling puppies or kittens.   This sign says this man is not selling anything.   A matter of fact, he is giving something away:   prayers.  You see, the sign says:    Can I pray for you?

Can I pray for you?   I don’t know about you, but I am always grateful for prayers.   However, I have never stopped on that busy road in that church parking lot and asked that man to pray for me.     I wonder if any one else has or  how many people stop in an average week.

I remember a woman who was a member of a congregation I had the honor to serve as pastor.   Her health had deteriorated through the years, and when I became her pastor she spent all her waking hours either in a wheelchair or a bed.    It was not the way she wanted to live her life, and she shared the same with me one day when she lamented:    “What good am I for our church and for the human race in this wheelchair every day?”     God gave me an answer to her question and it was this:    “You can pray for me and for your church.     That is one of the best things you can do.”  

Praying for each other is one of the biggest gifts you can give your family, your friends, your  church, your pastor, your community, and your world.    I do not think that all of us need to sit out in a chair by the side of a busy road with a sign that says “Can I pray for you?”   However, I believe that the world would be a much better place if we spent more time praying for each other.   Have a joy-filled week, and thanks for your prayers for me.-  Pastor Randy Wall       




God, thank you for the people through the years who have prayed for me whether I knew it or not.   Lord, I cannot do  everything but I can do something.  Help me to pray for others; through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Who Are You Supposed to Tell Your Story?


I have always found  it very meaningful to hear the stories of how people came to Jesus.  It was in hearing those stories over 50 years ago at a church event called lay witness mission that was an important part of my our own salvation story.

A few months ago, I heard a friend share their story.   They were trying to get a ride from California to their hometown in the northeastern U.S. to spend  Thanksgiving with their  family.   She had advertised for a cross-country ride, and Wally answered her ad.   While she was an unbeliever, Wally was a new Christ follower.   When you ride for 4 days across country, you have a lot of time to talk with someone.   Wally talked and told her about Jesus.  When she asked questions, Wally invited her to look at the Bible and some other Christian books in the back seat.    Though she did not make a commitment to Christ on the trip, it was the beginning of her journey to give her life to Christ.   After she made a Christian commitment and was baptized, Wally told her why he offered her a ride across country:   because God told him.  

In Acts 8, we hear the story of a man named Philip.  While God told Wally to offer a ride to a young woman across the country and tell her about Jesus, God simply tells Philip to go to a chariot and tell him about Jesus.   Read these words from Acts 8:

26 Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” 27 So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian[a] eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of the Kandake (which means “queen of the Ethiopians”). This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, 28 and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the Book of Isaiah the prophet. 29 The Spirit told Philip, “Go to that chariot and stay near it.”  30 Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip asked.   31 “How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?” So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.

            If you are a follower of Christ, you have a story to tell of what Christ has done and is doing in your life just like Wally and Philip.   Who does God want you to tell that story to?   Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall




Thank you, Lord, for  what you have done and are doing in my life.   Give me wisdom and courage, Lord, to share that story with others in word and deed;   through Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Monday, May 2, 2022

A Mothers Day Tribute to The Living


Our daughters- Melissa, Heather, Ginger, Hannah (Left to Right)

Around Mothers Day, I always find myself thinking of the Mothers in my life   It has been over 20 years since Mom died, and much longer since my Grandmothers died.   They were each remarkable women that had a great impact on me.   I became a pastor about the time that women were just beginning to serve as pastors of local churches.  A lot of persons my age and older have struggled with accepting women as pastors.   I never have  largely because of the large place that women, particularly my mother and grandmothers, had in my life.

While I could write long about my mother and grandmothers who have gone on to glory, today I want to write in tribute to the women in my life who are living: my wife, Ann, and our 4 daughters.  While none of them are my mother, my wife Ann and 3 of our 4 daughters are mothers.   All of them are strong women who have touched my life and the lives of  not only our family, but many others.   I do not often speak about them in this forum but today I do with gratitude.

                                                                         Ann, my wife 

My wife, Ann, is one of the most generous people I have ever met.   She is generous not only with her time and talents with our community but with her monies in making gifts to others sometimes without them knowing about her kindness.   While I often find myself in the limelight due to my vocation, Ann often is working behind the scenes and prefers it that way.   While I often react in a quick reactive way to people, Ann most often reacts to people with kindness giving them the benefeit of the doubt.

Our daughters are also great women.   Heather is one of the most intuitive persons I know and is a wonderful mother, wife, and school teacher.  She has a variety of interests and is skilled in so many things.   Ginger is a great Mom and wife and shows the same through her untiring efforts to look after her family.   She is showing in these days her skill in juggling many duties as she finds her self in school again and in the workplace again.   Hannah is so generous to others and is always seeking to take  the side of the underdog and the overlooked.   Though she is not a Mom, she continually seeks to dote on children especially her nieces and nephews.   Melissa tirelessly seeks to be a great role model and teacher to the children in her classroom and a great mother to the 3 young children in her home.   Each of our daughters are special in their own way, and I am grateful for the women and people they are.  

Many years ago, a women in a congregation where I served shared a statement with me that went like this:   “Give me flowers before I die, not when I am dead and gone.”   Today, I give flowers to these living women in my life for who they are to not only me, but to their family and beyond.    Perhaps you can offer a bouquet to the important women in your life.  I love and appreciate  the women you are Ann, Heather, Ginger, Hannah, and Melissa.  You make life better for me and so many! I love you!   Have a joy-filled week and a blessed Mother's Day everyone.  -  Pastor Randy Wall  



Thank you, God, for those mothers and women in my life in days past and today.  Give me words to tell them and show them how much they mean to me;  through Christ our Lord.   Amen.