Thursday, July 13, 2023

The "F" Word


7/15/2023-    The “F”  Word


I believe  it was one day when I was in Mr. Rutledge’s class that I learned a new word at school.  I was introduced to the word not by Mr. Rutledge, but by one of my classmates, Steve.   It was the “F” word.   At that point in my life, I had never heard the word and was not quite clear what it meant.    In the course of  conversation later that day after I got home from school, I uttered the “F” word to my Mom.

     As I looked at the shocked look on her face, I soon realized that I had said something I should not have said.   Her quick, short lecture informed me that was a word that was not only not to be uttered in our home, but from my lips.  The “F” word is a word that television censors treat with disdain and caution.   It certainly is not a word that you expect to be mentioned in a blog by a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ.   

I want to speak to you today about another “F” word.   This “F” word is considered by most to be totally acceptable for conversation with your parents or on television and it has more letters that the 4 letter “F” word that many treat with contempt.   This “F” word is fairly easy to say, but more difficult to put into practice.   You probably have already figured out the “F” word I am speaking about.  It is the “F” word of forgiveness. 

Most everyone wants to receive forgiveness whether that forgiveness comes from a loved one, a friend,  a teacher, a pastor, or a society.   We want forgiveness offered to us often and in double portions.  While we are eager to receive forgiveness,   it is  more difficult to give forgiveness.  I suspect many of us can recall a childhood experience where an authority figure (e.g. parent, teacher, coach, etc.) urged us “say that you are sorry”.    An apology is hard sometimes to say, but forgiveness is difficult for many of us to  really offer.    Lately, I have found myself encountering many folks who struggle with this “”F” word.   They are black and white and Hispanic, young and old, male and female.     They seem as eager to avoid the “F” word of  forgiveness as my Mom cautioned me many years ago to avoid another “F” word I had heard at school.

I have news for all of you.   For some of you, it is not so much news as it is a reminder you really do not want to hear.   That news or reminder is found in some simple but important words in a prayer many of you have said.   It is these words from the prayer that the Lord Jesus taught His disciples:  “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us”.    The news is that there is a connection between our forgiveness of others and God’s forgiveness of us.   Some of you probably do not like it.  If you do not like it, you have a problem not with this pastor but with God.    Oh, for the ability to not just say the “F” word of forgiveness, but to practice it in our relationships with others in this season and everyday.   Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

PRAYER --  O God,  we ask your forgiveness for the times we are so eager to receive forgiveness and so resistant to offer it.  Soften our hearts through your Spirit;  through the One who bore the cross that we might be forgiven, Christ Jesus.   Amen. 

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