Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Have You Learned to Love?


Richard Paul Evans tells in his book, The Four Doors, about having a spiritual awakening or conversion when he was in his early 20’s.     Evans conversion  from doubt to faith began when he read a book titled  My Life After Dying by George C. Ritchie Jr.   In the book, Ritchie speaks about the experience he had when he died  for a total of 9 minutes.   George C. Ritchie says in the book that when he died that he encountered God, and that God asked him one question.  That one question was this:   “Have you learned how to love?”   

As I  write this,  my grandchildren are spending another day of school whether in their  public school or in their  college.   One of our daughters is helping children under her tutelage learn in a school classroom and another daughter is working on a college course she is taking.     While I have always believed that education is important and have shown the same by my example, there is nothing much more important for any of us to learn than to learn to love. 

Have you learned to love God, the one that created you and has written your name in the palm of His hand?    Have you learned to love the God who says that you, yes you, are fearfully and wonderfully made?   God not only gave each of us life, but He made each of us in His image.   Why, God loved each of us so much that He sent His Son to live among us.   Did we not celebrate that love just a few weeks ago at Christmas?    And God not only sent His Son to live among us, but while we were sinners Christ died for us.  

Have you learned to love not only God, but the people around you?   The great and glorious God that created you and redeemed you also created and redeemed those around you whether they know it  or not, whether they accept it or not.   Have you learned to love people around you though they may not look like or think like you?

Have you learned to love God and have you learned to love people around you?   Finally, have you learned to love yourself?    I remember years ago doing a childrens message at church with a group of children.   I brought before them a large paper bag and told them they could see God  in the bottom of the bag.    They looked curiously at the bag as did their  parents and other adults from the pews of that church.    After a brief time of conversation,   I asked the children if they would like to look  in the bag and see God.    Of course, they all raised their  hands.   What the children and adults did not know is that I had placed a mirror in the bottom of that bag.  Lo and behold, when the children looked in that bag they saw a reflection of themselves.    When the Bible tells us that we made in the image of God, is it not telling us that God  lives in each of us?      Have you learned to love yourself, because you are made in the image of God and are a child of the creator of the universe?  

In this year of 2025,  my prayer for myself and for each of   you is we can aspire to love- to love God… to love others even when they look or think different than ourselves… and that each of can love ourselves by living in a way that reflects the love of God.    Will you join me in that love journey in 2025?     Have a joy-filled day and 2025.-   Pastor Randy Wall  

PRAYER --  O God,  thank you for the great and bountiful way that you love each and everyone of us.    Help me, God, to love more in these days of 2025;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.    

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