Last Wednesday, I was in a meeting with some area
pastors. One of our group did a program
about substance abuse in our county.
Statistics show that in the year 2016 there were 163 confirmed heroin
overdoses and 20 heroin deaths in our county.
While these numbers may be commonplace in the place where you live what
shocked me the most was that this is a 600% increase over 2015. Our presenter went on to say that they are
expecting the number of confirmed heroin related overdoses and deaths to be
even worse in 2017 from what the first months of 2017 show.
On Thursday, my
wife shared with me that a man that we knew was now living in a tent in our
county and needed some food. He is
camping in the tent not because he wants to enjoy the out of doors, but because
that is the only home he has. So, we took
time to make a visit to a local grocery store and get some food so this man
could have something to eat.
I was not aware that heroin abuse was such a serious
problem in our county. I was not aware
that Mike (as I will call him) was homeless and hungry. My suspicion is that many other people in
our county are not aware that heroin abuse is such a problem and that most
people are not aware of the many homeless and hungry people that are around them every day. I did not know.
We hear an interesting story in Luke 8:40-56. As Jesus makes his way to the home of a man
named Jairus to heal his daughter, Jesus goes through a crowd of folk. While he is going through the crowd, the hem
of Jesus’ garment is touched by a woman who had been ill for over a decade. In that crowd of people, Jesus is surrounded
by countless people. Yet, only Jesus is
aware that this sick woman has touched him.
While the disciples are next to him, they are not aware of this woman or her need. Only Jesus is aware.
So many times, I go through life more like those
disciples than like Jesus. Too often, I
am unaware of the need (such as substance abuse, homelessness, and hunger) that
is around me. While substance abuse and
homelessness are often issues as complicated as people are, that does not mean
that I should be oblivious to know or to care. Like the priest and levite in the story of
Luke’s parable of the good Samaritan, many of us go on our way down the road of
life even if we see the need around us.
God give us awareness of the people and needs around us, and the wisdom
and compassion to care. Have a joy-filled
week.- Pastor Randy Wall
Prayer: Lord and God, give us eyes and hearts to see
the needs and the people around us. Help
us to reach out to them with love and compassion as your hands in the world;
through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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