Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Tide Comes In, The Tide Goes Out

One of the places where my wife Ann and I make a regular pilgrimage is to the coast.   It is a place that provides rest and renewal as we enjoy lazy days, afternoon naps, beach walks, and water views.  I found myself thinking about the tides along the shore a few weeks ago.  The tide comes in to give us high tide, and the tide goes out to give us low tide.  Day after day, the tides comes in and the tide goes out.
 As the tide comes and the tide goes, such is a way of life for many of us.  Day after day, workers come to work and go home.  Children come home from college for the weekend, and then go back to their institution of higher learning.  Special occasions like birthdays, holidays, and the like take place and family and friends come together to celebrate and then go back to their homes and regular routines.  Like the tide coming in and going out, so we come and go as we move and have our being.
As the tide comes in and the tide goes out, so we that are a part  of the family of faith go about our life as disciples of Christ Jesus.   We gather to worship, and then scatter to serve.  We come together to study and glorify God, and then we go into the world to share the love of Christ with so many to whom love is a stranger.   A boat is not built to only stay in the harbor. No, it can only fulfill its purpose when it launches out to new horizons  before it.   The church gathers and it scatters to serve:  that is when followers of Christ Jesus and the church are at its best.  Like the tide, we come and we go knowing that the One that made the seas always goes with us.   Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:   O God of sea and sky, ocean waves and ocean depths:   we thank you for the rhythymns of life and faith created in your awesome way and will   In our comings and goings, grant that we gather to glorify your name and have the courage to go and serve you;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.  

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