Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Giving Thanks for What Does Not Happen

There are a lot of folks who talk about the miseries of getting older, but let me tell you there are some joys in getting older too.   One of the fun parts of getting older is grandchildren.  The early days of July provided the opportunity for Ann and I to be together with our children, 3 son in laws, and 6 grandchildren for several days.  Our children are scattered across the country living in different states.   Unfortunately, that  means that all of us are together only on rare occasions.   Last week, Ann and I had  the joy of being together with  them.  

I enjoy being a grandparent.  I have such good memories of my own grandparents and time with them that I looked forward to the privilege for this stage in life.   It is good to tell them stories of my past… take them fishing… play games… and simply snuggle as they sit in my lap.  I come away from those rare times when I am with all my grandchildren exhausted yet invigorated. 

One of the greatest joys of this time together last  week was a privilege I had as a grandpa and as a pastor to baptize my youngest grandchild , Ezra Worth.    Above you will find a picture of Ezra in the arms of his Mom, Heather, along with his Dad, Amiri, and his two sisters, Madelyn and Eloise.  This picture was taken on the day of Ezra's baptism.   I was thrilled  the day that his Mom, Heather, called me to tell the news she was pregnant.    She was living with the rest of  her family in the United Arab Emirates at the time.   A few weeks later, she called to tell me news that concerned me:  doctors were concerned about the health of the unborn child.   I remember beginning a season of deep prayer for the child that grew inside Heather and for all our family not  knowing what the future would hold.   Heather and her family were so concerned about this that they soon made their way back to the USA wanting the best medical care for their child.   The good news is that all of it was a false alarm!   Ezra is a happy, healthy child. 

There is a passage of scripture that speaks to me when I think about the concern we had about the birth and health of Ezra Worth.   I Thessalonians 5:18 declares,   “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”     The apostle Paul wrote those words having known the reality of beatings and imprisonment for his faith as well as dealing with a mysterious “thorn in the flesh”.     Sometimes, I give thanks not for what is, but for what isn’t.  In this week, I give thanks that Ezra does not have a major health issue.  I give thanks for the privilege to be with children, son in laws, and grandchildren.    I give thanks that Ezra was born a healthy little boy that I had the chance to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.   Can I show you some pictures of my grandchildren?     Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:   O God, thank you for all the gifts that overflow in our lives daily and are never ceasing.  I especially give you thanks for the gift of family.   Bless them and help me be an  instrument of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.

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