It is the week of the 4th
of July. As a child growing up in
Burlington, this was a week when many of the textile mills would close for the
whole week and people would head to
their favorite vacation destination. Though
the textile mills have virtually disappeared from many towns like Burlington,
this is a week when many will be heading away from home.
Though I graduated
from school many years ago, I still have
a desire to learn. In recent months, I
have become more interested in American history. I have read books on American leaders like
Truman and Eisenhower, and on times in American history like the American
revolution. As I have read about that
period of time called the American revolution, there are two learnings that
stick out for me.
First, I discovered
that the people that were the leaders in the early days of what we call now the
United State of American were young men and women. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson, the chief
writer of the Declaration of Independence, was only 33 years old when he wrote it! Many of the other leaders in the early
days of this country were in their 30’s and 40’s. It was a reminder to me of how important are
the young people in our world today. Long ago, the apostle Paul told his young
friend in Christ, Timothy: “Let no one
despise your youth”. Though I and many
of my peers might think the ideas and thoughts of the young are not worth
considering, we need to listen to
them. Perhaps they are the incubator
for a revolution that is sorely needed in our world and country!
Secondly, I discovered as I read and listened to the
story of the beginnings of this country that the founders of this country
literally put their lives and future on the line in their yearnings for freedom
and democracy. They were citizens of
colonies of England, and their words and actions were sometimes quite
treasonous. Yet, they felt so
passionately about it that they were willing to put their lives on the
line. Some of the ideas that I see on
social media and on the news these days sometimes seem extreme. Perhaps we need to respect persons enough
to listen to their opinions as they might hold truths we need to consider. Have a joy-filled week and God bless. – Pastor Randy Wall
Prayer: O God,
I give you thanks in these days for those men and women who yearned for freedom
and who founded this country. Thank you
for them and for all who carry the light of freedom in these days; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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