Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Rocky Mountain High

            Ann and I had the pleasure a few weeks ago to travel to Colorado.   The trip had two main purposes.   First,  I was attending and providing leadership at a national meeting of rural United Methodist church leaders.   The second purpose for our time there was to visit with one of our daughters and her family who live in Colorado.   I have only been to Colorado a few times in my life, but have been overwhelmed on each of those visits at the beauty and grandeur of the Rocky Mountains.     As  I recall, Katherine Bates was so moved by the beauty of the mountains when she visited there that she was inspired to write that well known song,  “O beautiful, for spacious skies; for amber waves of grain.”

            As I visited those Rocky Mountains I was moved and inspired by their wondrous beauty.  Yet, there was a moment I  realized this:  as beautiful as the mountains may be, they are created by a God who is even greater.   Psalm 90: 1-2 puts it this way:  

Lord, you have been our dwelling place
    throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born
    or you brought forth the whole world,
    from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

What a great and glorious God we serve. Truly, this is “my Fathers world.”    Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:   God, we are amazed at the majesty and wonder of the great and small in your creation.  In the tiny hummingbird and in the grand mountain, we realize that you are God.  Give us a heart to see the many ways you manifest your glory each day;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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