Wednesday, August 7, 2019

"The Judgment Free Zone"

            There is a business in my community that I visit on a regular basis that advertises itself as a “judgment free zone”.   Perhaps you have the same business in your community since it is a part of a nationwide chain.   The business with this motto states that it  does not make judgments about your worth and that it encourages its clients to do the same. 

I have been a part of leadership in a local church all of my adult life and for much of my life.   I surely wish that the local church was a “judgement free zone”.   I admit that sometimes it is not.  Sometimes, church members and church leaders alike seem to ooze condemnation and criticism on people for what they do and do not do under the banner that they are doing it in the name of the Lord.   When people are the recipient of such judgment, they often are not only hurt but alienated from the church.   I mourn that fact. 

 There is a verse of scripture that relates to the elusive quest for the Church to be a “judgement free zone”.   This verse is from the words of Jesus:   “Judge not lest you be judged”.   This verse does not mean that people should not have values.    Though most people do not regularly  consider what are their values, they guide many of the actions that we do everyday.     Likewise, this verse does not mean that people do not have opinions.    As one friend told me years ago:   “Opinions are like belly buttons;  everyone has got one”.     Your opinions influence the food your eat, the clothes you wear, and how you spend your money each and every day.  

“Judge not lest you be judged”.   I believe that part of what  that verse says is that it is not the job of anyone to judge the godly stature of anyone else.   That task, my friends, belongs to God.  It is God’s responsibility to determine the righteous or unrighteous standing of anyone and from what I can tell God is doing a pretty good job of it and does not need my help.

Oh, I wish that business I visit from time to time would  not be the only “judgement free zone” in my community.   I wish that the Church could be also.   You see, when you get right down to it, the Church of Jesus Christ is filled with sinners who are saved by the grace of God found in Jesus Christ.   Come join me at Church on Sunday, and lets seek to make it a “judgment free zone”.   Have a joy-filled week.-   Pastor Randy Wall

Prayer:   O God, we praise you and give you thanks that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.  As we have so freely been given  grace, let us offer the same to others;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen. 

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