Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Different Independence Day

This was a different Independence Day for many folks.  Many communities that have the tradition of having festivals, parades, and the like did not have them this year due to the pandemic.  I suspect that there were some who normally travel to a favorite vacation destination who chose to stay home.    Perhaps the void of festivities and celebrations helped us see with clarity  that  the 4th of July is the birthday of our country as we remember that on July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed as a signal that the leaders of our country wanted us to have a sovereign, self-governed country. 

            Some time during these days, I am sure that I will hear that classic patriotic song of Irvin Berlin, “God Bless America”.  “God bless America, my home sweet home”, the song says.   As both an American citizen and as a Christian, that song prompts in me this observation:   we cannot expect God to really bless America if Americans are not blessing the name of our God.   The Psalmist knew something about blessing and praising the name of our God.  We hear the Psalmist say in Psalm 103:1, “Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name.”     It is a privilege to be an American;  we have freedoms without rival in this world.    Let us not forget that the blessings in our nation come from God. Let us bless and praise the name of our God in this country by putting into practice the motto of our country:  “In God we trust”. 

            Thank you, God, for this country that I live in.  During this time of celebrating our country’s birthday, help me to not be blind to what this holiday is all about.  As we celebrate our nation’s independence, help me to bless your name by depending more fully and completely on you;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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