Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The God Who Wears a Mask

As a child growing up, I always enjoyed watching the old cowboy movies from another era with folks like Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, and the like playing leading roles.   The plots of those movies were often quite simple:  good vs. evil, good guy vs. bad guy.    It was not hard to figure out who were the bad guys in most of those movies as the bad guys were most often the ones wearing the masks (except for that masked man The Lone Ranger, of course) as they robbed a bank or people on a stage coach. 

In the heat of this pandemic in our community and our nation, the people who wear masks are considered by many to not be bad guys, but good guys.   In my state and many communities, it is mandatory to wear masks when you leave home and go to places to shop or to mail packages.   I have noticed now that many stores are posting signs encouraging if not requiring their customers to wear masks.  

Have you ever thought about the truth that God wears a mask!   That’s right though not the kind of mask that folks are wearing as they go shopping or head away from home.   The purpose of the masks we wear  are to protect the wearer and persons they are around from the threat of COVID-19.   Masks in the operating room protect the patient from disease or infection.   

Masks do not only protect and shield; no, they also conceal and there is a sense that God is masked because we do not fully know and understand Him.    God is creator and we are His creature.  None of us is great and knowledgeable enough to understand His ways.   As I Corinthians 13 puts it, we are always “staring at a glass darkly” when it comes to God.   The best glimpse we have into the will and ways of God is through the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus.    Glory and praise to our great and mighty God for his love and care for feeble creatures like us!   Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall

PRAYER :     O God,   we humbly admit that we do not completely understand your way and your will.  Help us to trust more fully in you despite what we do not know and do not understand; through Christ our Lord.   Amen.   

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