Sunday, November 29, 2020

If You Are Happy, Notify Your Face


          It was one of those “okay” kind of days.  You know those kind of days, don’t you?  You have had those days that are somewhere between very great and very bad.  As I made my way down the hall in the nursing home, I saw her coming down the hall offering me a smile as wide as the state of Texas.  I do not know her name or address.  Though I do not know whether she was a Christian or not, there was something about that smile that touched and blessed me.  As I went on my way, my steps were a little brisker and I held my head a little higher.  An “okay” sort of day became a great day thanks to a lady whose name I do not know.

          I recall a song that I heard at a youth rally more than 30 years ago whose words say, “If you’re happy, notify your face.  Wipe off that frown, and put a smile back in its place.  Lets share Jesus with the whole human race.  If you’re happy, notify your face.”     There are times in the lives of all of us when we do not feel joy in our heart, but if we really think about it most of us have an abundance of days when we are blessed by God in great and wondrous ways.  Perhaps the greatest gift and witness for Christ you can give this day is the gift of a smile to a person you don’t even know.  You will be glad that you did, and so will they even if they do not know your name.  Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall


          O God,  thank you for the blessings of this day and this life.     As I have been blessed,  help me to be a blessing to others even through a smile;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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