We are surrounded by
fences in the neighborhood where we live.
The neighbors across the street have a fence in their back yard. When new neighbors moved in next door, they
soon installed a fence in their back yard.
A couple of months ago, our neighbors on the other side of our house
also installed a fence along with “No trespassing” signs on the fence. Perhaps you have heard the saying “Good
fences make good neighbors”. Perhaps
our neighbors see their fences as a good
way for us to become good neighbors. I see merit in fences when you have a
young child or when you have a dog.
Fences can be a good safety tool for young children, pets, and for
Walls are similar to
fences. Like fences, walls keep people
or creatures in and keep others out. As
I write this, they continue to build a wall along our U.S. border with Mexico
in hopes of keeping persons from illegally entering into the United
States. About 10 years ago, Ann and I travelled to the
U.S. border in Arizona and saw the wall there with Mexico on the other
side. Some of you reading this are old enough to
remember that November day in 1989 when the Berlin Wall (that separated the
city into East Berlin and West Berlin) was torn down. Back in my seminary days, one of my
seminary friends told me one day:
“Randy Wall, I have some bad news
for you. I saw it on a church sign. The sign said ‘No Walls in Heaven.’” No walls in heaven is a troublesome
thought when your last name is Wall like myself.
We read something similar
in the book of Ephesians. In Ephesians
2: 13-15 we read:
13 But now in
Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the
blood of Christ. 14 For he
himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has
destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with
its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself
one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace,
While neighbors build their walls or fences to keep people
out or to keep children or pets in and while a wall is built along our U.S. border, Christ Jesus comes to do something
different: to tear down walls or fences
between people and between persons and God.
Christ Jesus wants there to not only be no walls in heaven, but nowhere
else! Have a joy-filled week. Happy
Thanksgiving to each of you.-- Pastor Randy Wall
and merciful God, your mercies are new everyday. We thank you for your grace-filled love that
breaks down the walls that humans build between one another for our sinfulness
that creates a wall with you. Forgive
us, and bring us closer to you.
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