Monday, March 22, 2021

Got a Vaccine for P.J. Disease?


Vaccines for the coronavirus are being given  now in earnest where I live.  I am proud to say that the church that I pastor is a site where the local health department is giving shots to local residents.    I am hopeful that the combination of healthy practices and the vaccine that the number of cases and deaths from the coronavirus will become as rare as polio cases. 

I wish there were a vaccine for P.J. disease.   You probably have not heard of P.J. disease so let me explain.   Many of us know that P.J.’s is a term that refers to pajamas.   In the last few years, I have seen an increasing number of folks wearing their  P.J.’s as they frequent grocery stores and the like.   When I first saw someone wearing their P.J.’s in the store, I was surprised.    While I remember times when I was young that my brother Tony and I would put on our P.J.’s before we went with our parents to a drive in movie theatre, I do not think I have wore my P.J.’s outside the house since those days.     During this pandemic, there has been an increasing number of churches that are having worship services, Bible study, meetings, and the like via online sites like Facebook and Youtube that make it mighty easy for people to participate in worship and other religious activities not only from the comfort of their home, but also while they are lounging at home in their P.J.’s.  

I  have been increasingly wondering if this pandemic is infecting folks with P.J. disease.  Are we using this pandemic as an excuse to be spiritually lazy?      Does P.J.  stand not only for pajamas, but also PRETENDING JESUS?     Are we allowing this pandemic to infect us with a spiritual malaise where we are simply sitting on the premises in our pajamas and failing to “stand on the promises” of Christ?    Do you have P.J. disease?   Are you simply PRETENDING JESUS as you sit at home in your pajamas another day or week or you giving your best to the master?     On this day of Lent, look in the mirror and look at yourself.   Are you giving the best of your prayers, presence, witness, gifts, service, and prayers to the Master?   Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall


Prayer:   O God, forgive me for the times that I am eager to receive your blessings but slow to offer you my life.   Let my thanksgiving to you be known not just in my words and my heart, but in my daily life; through Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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