Sunday, March 28, 2021

How Much Further Is It?


Have you  ever been to Manteo, NC?    It is located in Dare County on the North Carolina coast.    As you   are leaving Manteo driving west  on Highway 64, you will see a sign that tells you how far it is from Manteo to the farthest point in the western part of North Carolina.  Why, it is over 500 miles and would take over 8 hours to drive that distance in the same state.

I thought about that sign on Highway 64 and the distance from Manteo to Murphy recently as I read the following verses from  Psalm 103: 11-12 which say,  “11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,  so great is his love for those who fear him; 12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.”     It is a long way from  the eastern-most point of North Carolina to the western-most point of our state.  Why, it is even further when you consider the eastern-most point of the United States to the western-most point of our country.  Yet, even that distance is short when you compare it to how far God takes our sins and transgressions from us.

The next time you get in the car and sigh about how far you have to drive or you hear your child or grandchild say “How much further?”   instead of rolling your eyes or holding your breath, pause to remember that even that distance is short when you compare it with  how far God takes sin away from us.  You see, God’s love is wonderfully deep and very wide.   Thanks be to God!   Have a blessed Holy Week!-  Pastor Randy Wall 

Prayer:  O God, we give you thanks for the mighty and merciful forgiveness that is found in you.  Forgive us, we pray; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

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