Monday, April 26, 2021

Who Does She Look Like?


            Ann and I  are still basking in the joy of having a new grandchild  born earlier this month.  Em is a beautiful little girl and we now are proud to say that we have 8 grandchildren, 4 girls and 4 boys.  We love and are grateful for each and everyone.  

One of the things that has come in our family in recent days is discussion on who Em looks like.    Old baby pictures have been brought out of her  Mom when she was young.   Why, we have even looked at old pictures of my wife Ann (her Mimi) with some saying that Em looks like her.    I recall my friend Tommy Smith telling the story that when he was a boy that he used to deliver telegrams on his bike in the town where he lived.   These were the days before there was a phone in every home much less anything like cell phone pictures and social media.   Tommy recalled one telegram he delivered got straight to the point which said,  “Fixtures like his father, features like his mother.”   

It occurred to me that I have the answer on who Em looks like  that will  finally end the speculation and discussion:  SHE LOOKS LIKE GOD.   Don’t take my word for it.   Lets go to a higher authority, the Word of God where we read these words:    So God created mankind in his own image,  in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them  (Genesis 1:27). 

When you get right down to it, everyone of us is made in the image of  God.   There is something about each and everyone of not only my 8 grandchildren, but every person that reflects the goodness and glory of God .  I don’t know what you think, but I believe that so many of the issues between people  would vanish if we treated others like  that was true.   I look forward to seeing all the ways that Em reflects God in the days and years ahead.     Have a joy-filled week.-  Pastor Randy Wall


            O God, you have fearfully and wondrously made each one of us in your image.   Thank you for human life.   Give us eyes and hearts to see you in one another, and give us grace and forgiveness for the times we fail to reflect your divine goodness;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.   Amen.  

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