Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Our Spiritual Parents


In a few days, we will observe another “Mothers Day”, a time to honor the mothers in all of our lives.   Mothers that are living will be visited by their children, and showered with calls or cards, flowers or  gifts.  Mothers that are deceased will be remembered with a flower on a grave, a tribute in the church bulletin, or with a brief prayer.    From the gift of life itself, the list is long when you consider the gifts that a mother gives their children.     In cards, words, and letters, children will seek to express to their mother at Mothers Day their gratitude for many gifts.  

In II Timothy, the apostle Paul writes to his younger brother in Christ, Timothy.  In II Timothy 1:5, Paul writes these words:  “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”   In those words, Paul hints that one of the reasons that Timothy was a follower of Christ Jesus was through the faith that he saw in his Grandmother Lois and in his mother, Eunice.   The late William Barclay, a pastor of another era, was once asked what was the greatest theological statement he ever heard.  Barclay replied, “The greatest statement I ever heard in the Christian faith was said not by some great Christian thinker, but by my mother and it was this:  ‘Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.’”   

Faith in Christ is not something we inherit from our parents like we do the color of our eyes or the color of our hair.   We cannot live on the faith of our parents.  As someone once said, God does not have grandchildren but only children.  However, there are many people who saw Christ Jesus in the life of their parents or some other adult figure before they ever knew him themselves.   As you give thanks for mothers in your life this week, don’t just remember to thank them for their love.  Also take a moment to give thanks for those mothers who showed you and told you about God’s love.  Have a joy filled week-  Pastor Randy Wall


            O God, we thank you for your presence seen in the mothers of our lives.  Help their godly example to be a continued source of inspiration that we might more fully follow you;  through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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