There are many worship places that have deep meaning for
me. One of those places is Duke
University Chapel in Durham. The
meaning of that place for me has nothing to do with the athletic teams of the
University or the fact that I am a Duke graduate. Duke University Chapel is a special place for
me because it has been a part of some important parts of my journey of
life. Through the years, I have been
there for special events like Christmas Eve worship and worship on the eve of
my graduation from Duke Divinity School.
I also recall being there for times of trouble such as when I walked its
long center aisle while my Mom had surgery at nearby Duke University Medical
Center years ago.
I walked that long center aisle at Duke University Chapel
in November when I was at Duke for a
continuing education event. As an
organist played softly, I slowly strolled in the chapel and meditated on the
beautiful stained-glass windows who were radiant with color on that sunny
afternoon. A visit to Duke University
Chapel always refreshes my soul, and the same can be was true on
that day.
As I left that
special place that day, it occurred to me that sometimes my experience of God
is like my experience of Duke University Chapel. Sometimes, my experience of God is that He is
great and beautiful just like Duke University Chapel so often is to me. Other times, my experience with God is
more up close and personal. Exodus
33:11 tells that the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a
friend. Sometimes, my experience with
God is like a one on one conversation over a cup of coffee at Starbucks. During this time of year, I ponder anew a great, glorious God that came
close in the person of the holy child of Mary; yet, his birth was announced by
angels in the highest heavens. I give
thanks to a God who is imminent and close by, but who also is transcendent and
so great. Have a joy-filled week. - Pastor Randy Wall
Prayer: O God, you
are great and glorious, and you are near and so personal. Thank you for creating us and this world,
and thank you for being as close as our next breath; through Christ our Lord. Amen.